Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Why Do Shoes Pull Socks Down At The Heel

salad for a vegetarian guest

Fresh and delicious salad that easily becomes a main dish accompanied by slices of toasted bread.
the croutons do not put them here because the crispness is given by the nuts.

Ingredients (serves 6 as a side dish or 4 people as a main dish) 1 head of celery

red apples 1 kg of walnuts to taste 1 package
Emmental or a slice of 350 gr
1-2 tablespoons light mayonnaise
oil salt and pepper to taste

In a large bowl place the finely sliced \u200b\u200bcelery, diced apples, il formaggio tagliatto sempre a cubetti. Condire il tutto con un'emulsione fatta con la maionese, un pò di olio, sale e pepe.
Completare con i gherigli di noce.


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