Friday, November 26, 2010

Sunscreen In Lip Balm Allergic

cooking or not cooking?

La questione è essenzialmente sempre la stessa. Cucinare o no. Trovare il tempo per portare a tavola qualcosa di decente e magari invitare gli amici a cena. Anche di settimana. 
La mia storia culinaria parte da molto lontano, una famiglia mangereccia e godereccia. Nonna grandissima cuoca, mamma lo stesso. Però nessuna of the two works have a life and say that so-called "easy" between relief and supermarkets that carry the shopping home. Well my grandmother is the queen of sloooow cooking, while my mother among the tea with her friends and playing cards, post-feminist, Serve as best to prepare good-looking but sometimes not very accurate. ;
My first year and then out of the house was a culinary disaster. Our house was an orgy of students with pasta sauce and tuna and the famous "salads synthetic" (miscellaneous cans corn, tuna and mozzarella rubber).
After a while I decided this life, but maybe it was his stomach that he decided to begin to actually cook, consistent with the commitments of a full life between work full time, shifts in the chaos of the city, a family, hobbies that I love and friends.
I have consulted hundreds of websites over the years, I followed hours of programs and Gambero Rosso Alice. I tried and tried recipes looking as the only reason to simplify, beautify and especially learning how to open the fridge and set up a dinner in an hour at most.
Yes, because then you can relax by cooking: What ' is better returning from a grueling day of work with leaders and colleagues who you kill and shred, crush, crush the ingredients?
Better than a kick boxing class!


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