Saturday, November 13, 2010

How To Get Cat Hair Out Of Northface

" Music 'sumptuous' (for a sumptuous city) "

In relation to this post: venezia.html-, it takes a sumptuous music:

Quest’ultimo pezzo, soprattutto, è, per me, la “sontuosità” par excellence , come una colata di oro fuso che, lento, discende da uno scalone d’onore, come crema compatta, i cui moti sono lenti e costanti, come un fiume grande, che tanto meno rapido si muove, tanto più potentemente... Ma sempre discreto, mai e poi mai invadente, tuttavia riempie completamente the environment ...

In reality, this is not anything other than variations on "Canon in C" by Pachelbel, famous and well-known piece, which Eno has the great merit of transforming into something unique, from materials well known ...
Again, ** this ** is art ...

The great chef is one who knows how to make complicated dishes galore, but is one who makes you pasta and beans, simple spaghetti with garlic and oil, but as anyone ...


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