Tuesday, November 30, 2010

What Is The Average Bmi In China?

La panatura del cuore.... merluzzo al forno.

I discovered a cook in a tasty breading for the fish in the oven (but to be honest there is also a good chicken or turkey) .
Often for convenience we buy fresh cod or perch them in packets of 200g portions and then freeze them. But often lack the ideas to cook them so appetizing.
Who has not ever go home, pull out your dinner from the freezer and do not know how to cook? I found this way that gives the fish a more pleasant taste than the usual breadcrumbs with parsley.

I put in my mixer a couple of slices of stale bread into large pieces, a piece ino ino garlic (but is optional), 6 or 7 leaves of basil , 5 or 6 sprigs of chives , a sprinkling of pepper , salt and a tablespoon of flour for polenta . Do
a nice puree and let rest for a few minutes. Then I take the fillets
Fish semiscongelati, anoint them with a little olive oil and generously passed them in the bread and chopped herbs. Bath
a sheet of baking paper with water, squeeze it and we put it on the fish. A little olive oil and half a glass of white wine (for 3 fillets).
And if you like stronger flavor add some stagliuzzato fillet of anchovies ............

In half an hour or so at 190 degrees and the fish is delicious ......... I like to eat it with grilled or braised radicchio, but you put us what you like!

Bon appetit!
The image above is from dinnerdiary.org

Why Do Shoes Pull Socks Down At The Heel

salad for a vegetarian guest

Fresh and delicious salad that easily becomes a main dish accompanied by slices of toasted bread.
the croutons do not put them here because the crispness is given by the nuts.

Ingredients (serves 6 as a side dish or 4 people as a main dish) 1 head of celery

red apples 1 kg of walnuts to taste 1 package
Emmental or a slice of 350 gr
1-2 tablespoons light mayonnaise
oil salt and pepper to taste

In a large bowl place the finely sliced \u200b\u200bcelery, diced apples, il formaggio tagliatto sempre a cubetti. Condire il tutto con un'emulsione fatta con la maionese, un pò di olio, sale e pepe.
Completare con i gherigli di noce.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

My Finger Scanner My Fujitsu Work

Zip Sauce Sicilian Breadcrumbs

La pasta di cui vi voglio parlare oggi fa parte della tradizione siciliana. 
In una padellina mettere due, tre filetti di alici sott’olio e fatele sciogliere con il pangrattato aromatizzato di cui vi ho parlato prima. Una volta scurito (e le alici sciolte), unite qualche pomodorino tagliato a metà, un cucchiaio di capperi sotto sale - che avrete dissalato prima in un bicchiere di acqua calda- e qualche rametto di origano. Con questo condimento condite la pasta (io preferisco quella corta) aggiungendo un filo d’olio a crudo. 

Television Programme Proposal Sample


L’altro giorno non avevo niente da cucinare per la serata. Mi viene in mente una ricetta (che spiegherò in un altro post) ma manca il pangrattato. Come poterlo sostituire? Avevo un sacchetto di crostini aromatizzati (di quelli che si usano per il patè) quindi li ho messi nel mixer uniti al formaggio grattugiato ed un pò di origano fresco. Adesso non ne posso fare più a meno! A seconda della ricetta a volte unisco la scorza di un limone grattugiata. Sentirete che gusto! 

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Email Biggest Attachment Size

flash of red pumpkin soup

When it's cold it's better than a hot soup?

To make this pumpkin soup with red super buy the pieces of pumpkin into cubes already in the ward fridge.

Serves 4 500 grams of red pumpkin pieces (usually about two packs)
oil 1 onion

vegetable broth (with nut)
2 tablespoons potato starch

some salt and pepper leaves mint (optional)
amaretti (optional)

parmesan croutons


Slice the onion and cook with the oil in a pan.
Add the pumpkin and soon after she cook for a minute add the stock to cover vegetables con qualche fogliolina di menta. Fare cuocere coperto per circa 15- 20 minuti.
Una volta cotte le verdure passare nel frullatore e rimettere sul fuoco con i due cucchiai di fecola continuando a rimestare per 2-3 minuti a fuoco vivo.
Servite guarnendo con un filo d'olio, il parmigiano, qualche amaretto sbriciolato e accompagnato dai crostini.

Veloce e molto gustosa !

Friday, November 26, 2010

Funny New Born Messagess

sesame chicken with yogurt sauce greek

Ricetta facile e molto scenografica! Mi piace molto farla sia al forno che, quando ho voglia di farmi male, fritta. 

500 gr di petto di pollo 
semi di sesamo q.b.
1 uovo 
farina q.b. 
sale e pepe 

Tagliate a pezzi il pollo ed impanatelo passandolo prima nella farina, poi nell’uovo ed in ultimo nel sesamo, pressando bene per far aderire i semi. Adagiate i pezzetti di pollo su una teglia ed infornate a forno caldo per circa 20 minuti. 

Per accompagnare questa preparazione, vi suggerisco la mia “famosa” salsa allo yogurt: un vasetto di yogurt greco intero mescolato con olio, sale, pepe, origano e qualche seme di cumino pestato. 

Sunscreen In Lip Balm Allergic

cooking or not cooking?

La questione è essenzialmente sempre la stessa. Cucinare o no. Trovare il tempo per portare a tavola qualcosa di decente e magari invitare gli amici a cena. Anche di settimana. 
La mia storia culinaria parte da molto lontano, una famiglia mangereccia e godereccia. Nonna grandissima cuoca, mamma lo stesso. Però nessuna of the two works have a life and say that so-called "easy" between relief and supermarkets that carry the shopping home. Well my grandmother is the queen of sloooow cooking, while my mother among the tea with her friends and playing cards, post-feminist, Serve as best to prepare good-looking but sometimes not very accurate. ;
My first year and then out of the house was a culinary disaster. Our house was an orgy of students with pasta sauce and tuna and the famous "salads synthetic" (miscellaneous cans corn, tuna and mozzarella rubber).
After a while I decided this life, but maybe it was his stomach that he decided to begin to actually cook, consistent with the commitments of a full life between work full time, shifts in the chaos of the city, a family, hobbies that I love and friends.
I have consulted hundreds of websites over the years, I followed hours of programs and Gambero Rosso Alice. I tried and tried recipes looking as the only reason to simplify, beautify and especially learning how to open the fridge and set up a dinner in an hour at most.
Yes, because then you can relax by cooking: What ' is better returning from a grueling day of work with leaders and colleagues who you kill and shred, crush, crush the ingredients?
Better than a kick boxing class!

Scorpio Want To Be Alone

Sugar: my way!

I added a natural vanilla bean split in two in the sugar bowl. I assure you open that jar and feel the aroma of vanilla is amazing. It also gives an extra touch to desserts and even drinks hot.
Try it!

Over The Knee Bare Bum Daughter

A recipe for breakfast cake frosted with lemon

Questa ricetta l’ho recentemente trovata sul forum Cookaround è facilissima si prepara velocemente ed è ottima per la prima colazione. 
140 gr farina 00 
3 uova 
150 gr zucchero 
un limone (se non trattato, unite 
50 gr di burro 
una bustina di lievito 
una manciata di noci 
Lavorate lo zucchero e le uova nel robot per 1 minuto ad alta velocità. 
Aggiungere farina, succo e scorza grattugiata del limone ( a volte per rinforzare aggiungo l’estratto di limone per pasticceria..se e solo se lo trovo al super sotto casa!), il lievito e le noci. 
Aggiungere il burro che avrete fuso a fuoco lentissimo in un pentolino. Attenzione a non bruciarlo! 
Versare il tutto in uno stampo da plum cake a forno caldo 180° per 40 minuti. Ricordate d’imburrare ed infarinare lo stampo se non dovesse essere antiaderente! 
As soon as it cools down on a serving dish, prepared with lemon glaze. Put the robot 200g of sugar and lemon juice in medium-high speed for 3 minutes.
Cover the cake with this frosting is still warm and decorated with bits of coarsely chopped nuts with the small knife on cutting board. ;

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tools of the trade and use ingredients that

tools that I use
Sorry for not cooking a number : "if you do not have the cavatorsoli I can live 'or "I'd love to learn how to make a charlotte, but without the mold can not do it."
the beginning you think that without a thousand gears not be able to do anything. Nothing could be further from the truth. Finally, after many a waste of money to buy items at unexpected, I converted to the "less is more".
So I suggest you take a wooden board in the kitchen (also used to serve cheese and cold cuts) a large plastic and a smaller one.
A media and a large pan. A large pot and small. A pan large enough. Ramekins of different size (better than porcelain because they bring to the table as they are).
A strain of knives, a whip (a tip: high quality) and a heavy mortar, a colander. Wooden spoons and a spatula, silicone creams. A food processor with accessories. Why do not we of course with a whisk to mix the ingredients for a cake. ça va sans dire!
The ingredients that I like to cook
Among a race other than the time to devote to daily spend is 10 minutes. Yes daily spending. Why I think it's beautiful pull and think at the time, exhausted from the day's work, one sees around a table prepared to eat fresh food, cooked for the evening. Fear not! Dinner leftovers can become elements for the next dinner or lunch box may be the work the next day. much better than usual and sad sandwich. And even more healthy!
are not organic at all costs. I know that is not very fashionable to say, but not everyone can afford to shop for jewelry. So go ahead so things fresh, but my intention is not to use canned foods, frozen foods and sauces prepared in jars. But please, if sometimes we beat the pesto ready, nothing happens!
One thing I really like instead is to buy the ingredients, pots, special spices in supermarkets and markets when they are around the world. I like to go home with a souvenir of the trip to share with friends.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Wife Dares To Undress Before My Friend

" Israel 1978 "

photos before and after they are taken from the book: EE Vardiman, The big turning point. Judea between Hellenism and early Christianity , Garzanti 1987, ed. or. 1978, so the photos are from 1978 or before ...

Plant Jerusalem Temple of Herod

This is part of the slab where it ran
ban foreigners from entering the Tempio.
Più chiaramente vien riportata la traduzione,
poiché qui interessa il significato.

Riportiamola per esteso, perché la cosa
potrebbe anche darsi sia interessante:
Nessun straniero può entrare nel cortile chiuso
che circonda il Tempio. I trasgressori si rendono
colpevoli di un reato punibile con la condanna
a morte”
(Istanbul Archaeological Museum)

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

How Much Does It Cost Deworming Medicinefor Dogs

" Paris, before the Centre Pompidou

All photos are taken from the following: "Here Paris", Touring Club Publisher 1968.

's "Les Halles", which were first
of the Centre Pompidou ...

Here as was the revenue of the "Halles"
time ...
It was, in fact, markets

is out of "Les Halles" in the evening with
the Tower of St. Jacques la Boucherie - ;
one quoted by Nicolas Flamel -
in the distance

Glimpses of Paris to follow, starting with Notre-Dame

A rarity, the Louvre's pyramid ... first

Another rarity, a recent carriage drivers
of Paris, still in that '
time - note the car behind ...

the series dedicated to the city, cf. this interesting link: http://lacittadelsale.blogspot.com/2010/09/un-cinese-venezia.html

Denise Milani, Nipples

OtraMilonga : martedì 30 novembre 2010

OtraMilonga a Borghetto Santo Spirito (SV), via Viglieri 7, presso il Salone delle Feste.

Martedì 30 novembre 2010 dalle ore 21,30 alle ore 2,00 circa.

Inizio alle 21,30 con tanghi moderni; alle 22 circa segue milonga con tandas alternate di tanghi classici, vals, milonghe e tanghi contemporanei ed atipici.
Ambiente climatizzato.

Contributo di 5 € per le bevande.

Precederà la milonga dalle ore 20,00 alle ore 21.30 il corso di Tango Argentino per principianti;
durante la milonga sarà riservato un lato del salone per il Laboratorio di Tango destinato a chi vuole lavorare od approfondire movimenti complessi.

Come arrivare:
Autostrada dei Fiori A10 Savona/Ventimiglia, uscita di Borghetto Santo Spirito, seguire indicazioni per Borghetto Santo Spirito; dopo circa 2 km., prima di immettersi sulla via Aurelia, si sbuca sulla grande Piazza Caduti del Lavoro. Parcheggiare l’auto (c'è anche un parcheggio che dopo le 20,00 è gratuito) e proseguire a piedi verso il centro storico. Il Salone Delle Feste è ampiamente visibile ed a soli 100 metri di distanza dal parcheggio.

e.mail: otramilonga@gmail.com

Maura +39.320.4251724
Claudio +39.347.7613542
OtroTango +39.380.1407051

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

How Longs Does Bath Sealant Take To Set

"Palazzo said 'the Cocozza,' Casolla"

said "Cocozza's" (= pumpkin, in Neapolitan dialect) on account of the Marquis Cocozza, beautiful stately home.

Remains of orange
Collier faced
Palace near

front of the building, painted yellow
side in previous photos