Wednesday, January 26, 2011

How To Open Delsey Combination Lock

Special: Prince "Lovesexy"

Il vincitore del sondaggio è Lovesexy .
Onestamente il risultato è abbastanza scontato, l’unico dubbio era tra Lovesexy e Sign O’ The Times.
Personalmente ho votato per Parade ma al secondo posto nel mio cuore c’è sicuramente Lovesexy.

Lovesexy è uscito il 18 maggio 1988- All’epoca avevo 12 anni e ricordo perfettamente di quando mi chiudevo nella macchina di mio Dad in the garage, listening to that tape from the cover so bizarre. Prince
there appears naked as Mom did, leaning on the flowers and exudes sensuality, grace and security (the flower on her right proudly exhibits its phallic stamen, while another flower on her left mischievous
exhibits the feminine gender ; in the middle, lying, covering Prince's own sex and his chest - to save a glimpse of the left nipple - ambiguously androgynous
My dad at the time but saw nothing in that cover and much more in the child who clung to listen to that guy who sang in falsetto so bizarre, who dressed in a manner so ambiguous and that published dischi con copertine del genere!
Insegnamento di vita: mai giudicare dalle apparenze.

Lovesexy è la summa stilistica del Prince-pensiero del periodo.
E’ la fusione tra la sua visione spirituale e materiale del mondo. L’amore e il sesso, il sacro e il profano, Dio e Satana e chi più ne ha più ne metta.
Lovesexy è la risposta che lo stesso Prince si sentì obbligato a dare a se stesso dopo la registrazione (e mancata pubblicazione) del mitico The Funk Bible, più noto come The Black Album. Al tempo il Black Album non fu pubblicato se non in poche copie. Oltre alla copertina nera si potevano ascoltare brani che per Prince erano cupi e negativi. Lovesexy era la risposta a quel disco di cui tanto sembrava vergognarsi, tanto da chiedere scusa anche ai fans includendo un messaggio nel
video di Alphabet Street (vedi foto).

Ma Lovesexy era ed è molto di più che una semplice “risposta” a se stesso (e a Dio).
Lovesexy è l’album forse più particolare di Prince, quello fino a quel momento meno legato al Minneapolis Sound e con meno riferimenti sulla sua musica futura. Rimarrà unico e irripetibile, purtroppo.


La Musica e la Band: finita l’epoca di The Revolution Prince inizia ad aprirsi a nuove collaborations, in anticipation of this new course already Sign O 'The Times (itself a synthesis of album). He began playing fairly stable both in the studio or in concert with Sheila E. Just
Sheila therefore find its place in Lovesexy as a drummer and percussionist. With her tracks on the disc will be filled by Miko Weaver on guitar, Levi Seacer Jr. on bass, Dr. Fink on keyboards, the unforgettable Boni Boyer on backing vocals and keyboards, saxophonist Eric Leeds and Atlanta Bliss on trumpet.

It was recorded in seven weeks and features nine tracks that are separated but not at the request of Prince sees the disk as a work of play without interruption.
Within the disk you can find gems like "Glam Slam" and "Anna Stesia" united by impeccable arrangements. You can find songs like "Alphabet Street" and "I Wish U Heaven," the first song chosen as the launch of the disk and the second will follow the fate of being chosen as a single (accompanied by a wonderful video for the fans).
As we said in opening the album has a distinctive sound and unique. Leave aside many of the sounds from 1999 to present Sign O'The Times, in particular the Linn drum machine used in many tracks leading space is only "When 2 R in Love" which remains a song again session from the Black Album. The rhythms so while remaining typically "the Prince", give us new sounds, powerful, fast paced and terribly funky. The perfect support interventions Eric Leeds and Atlanta Bliss inspired the whole project as one of the great musicians involved.
But personally I believe that the weapon in most of this album lies in the above-mentioned arrangements. Voices slow down and speed up, get up in the pitch guitars, overdubs of any kind, special percussion sounds, melodic twists every time.

Just listen to a song like Anna Stesia to realize the work on the arrangements. The passage in question
has a melodic based around 4 chords repeated for 5 minutes but every step seems to hear something new.
All this is explained by a single word used several times (not always properly) to explain the greatness of this artist: genius.
This is genius and artistic peak of the question of a genius of our time.
As I said in opening this disc will also mark the end of a cycle that started with 1999, which indelibly marked the decade and remains today the term preferred by fans.
Thanks to the success of the tour supporting the album will be called Prince to compose the soundtrack for Tim Burton's Batman, starting a new season with as many successes, no less eventful but perhaps less interesting from an artistic ... of course, we're always talking about how Prince and said an American journalist whose name escapes me, "even a bad thing about Prince is still incredibly interesting."


Eye 5:46 No Alphabet St. Glam Slam
5:39 5:04 4:58
Anna Stesia
Dance On
3:44 5:47
Lovesexy When 2 R In Love 4:01
I Wish U Heaven Positivity 7:17 2:43

The Tour: The tour support in this case was and is fundamental. E 'was fondamentale perché il Livesexy (si chiamava così, Livesexy World Tour) ha rappresentato per molti il top dello spettacolo live del periodo. Palco posizionato al centro delle location con agibilità a 360 gradi da parte dei musicisti, scenografie particolari (fiori, ringhiere, un letto, un canestro da basket ecc.), l’arrivo di Prince sulla Ford Thunderbird citata in Alphabet Street e tanto tanto altro.
Il tour fu un vero e proprio successo di pubblico ottenendo praticamente ovunque il sold-out ma ciò non permise a Prince di andare al pari con i costi di tanto sfarzo.
Il tour rimane tutt’ora indimenticato da tutti i fans perché pubblicato successivamente in vhs (anche in laser disc)rappresentando uno dei pochissimi live documents of the prince. The date of Dortmund and was also broadcast live on Rai bringing a myriad of Italian fans to record the concert and eat it for years to come.
still the concert in Dortmund is one of the most beautiful performed by Prince, also thanks to a backing band really up to, but not all. The ballets
Prince and Cat entered the hearts of all.

The drumming (especially the sole) Sheila E. they fell in love with many fans making the artist Sheila favorite of all the main world.
And then the lineup of the concert, divided in two, with a first part devoted to the successes and rarity (just think that early in the novel will be played Blues in C (If I Had a harem), Bob and George Superfunkycalifragisexy the Black Album, Erotic City, the b-side of Let's go crazy) and a second part focuses on the new album and the most popular songs of all time by fans (purple rain, kiss, 1999, etc.).
Personally I believe that to enter into people's hearts a disc (a song, concert, etc.) needs to become part of their lives. I was 12 years and during that time I began to really love the music and understand its greatness. I bet that other Prince fans have had so much from it, so many memories, so many summers and many winters.
This makes it a memorable and hard since 1988 To date we have had the opportunity to hear all the songs on the album several times more popular with fans of the forum Purple Italy and I guess not only by them.

What do you think the fans?

Pannasmontata: "So Lovesexy was the second album I bought by Prince. The first one that made me to know and love was Purple Rain and its
film. At the time I was 15 (mmmh yes I lied I have not yet age 38 years) and already with Purple Rain film, I had some problems in the freely be able to watch, imagine a little 'you come home with an album cover with a man "naked", located between the iris flowers opened white and purple, his hair tousled by the wind and staring into space. Me
are watched and covered taaaaante times .... Definitely a cover
"demanding" that may have negatively affected some people are buying it at its play.
I remember that I had a schoolmate who refused to buy it because he was ashamed to leave the store (then mistake me for fags ... @ exact words).
And the so-called "critical" music? Many are convinced you are limited to cover .... and then leaving behind the masterpiece!
But if you wanted to hear the real FUNKY 88 had to go from strength to Prince and his Lovesexy.
remember that at that time there was MC Hammer, with regard to Hip Hop, which gained a lot with "Can not Touch This" which I believe is nothing more than "When Doves Cry with (as I wrote in 3D Ricky James) a sample of the bass line to return to Lovesexy Superfreak but ....
"Rain is wet, sugar is sweet Clap your hands and pounded the piedi.Tutti know that when love calls you need to go." Then
many sounds that simulate the sounds of nature and a voice again: "Welcome to the New Power Generation. Do you know why I have a voice so clear 'Cause there's no heroin in my brain! Hundalasiliah." This I'd held in my diary to go
Guys this is not me is pure heroin drug for the spirit.
Forget now all the symbols on the number 9 because, as I said
a shy, are just my guesses and its graphic elements ... from the heart of the eye to EYE YES NO because basically I did not trouble me at the time . I do not know what the real message of this album with Prince and I are simply limited to following the letter:
toe the line, dancing with all his might, praying and occasionally have sex. Cabbage
this catechism was my favorite and every time I hear Lovesexy is like returning back to my 15 years. Thanks
Prince and thanks to you who have read my ravings!

Orion's Girl: "If you sign o'the times was the discovery of Prince, Lovesexy and its tour were the beginning of my journey of fans will never forget the wonderful past summer to dance and sing the songs of Lovesexy, with one of the songs and wonder why it is impossible not to begin a wild dance, Glam Slam.
You know half the song when they started playing the violin and the drums by Sheila E.? Well, in that part every time I absolutely can not resist DANCE! It is difficult to sit still, really.
At the time ho pensato "Prince è magnifico mi piace più lui che Jackson" (in quell'anno seguivo entrambi.
E che dire del concerto? Grazie alle Rai che lo trasmise in diretta, quello diventò il più bel concerto della mia vita e ancora oggi nessun concerto eguaglia quello del Livesexy tour di Dortmund, nemmeno il Nude tour, seppur notevole non si avvicina neanche alla magniloquenza del livesexy tour.
Anna Stesia poi era una canzone che mettevo continuamente (allora non avevo neanche cominciato a comprare le cassette, ma ora rimedierò) come when 2 r in love, il momento più bello e più divertente del concerto è stato quando ha cantato if i had a harem, lì mi sono divertita un mondo."

Labax : "After listening to Raspberry beret (which shocked me and for the fabulous video), Prince entered the circle of my favorite musicians but it was with the purchase of Lovesexy ( among other things, bought for my sister but immediately removed) that is now a permanent part of my musical Olympus.
The first hearing was scolvolgente .... very different from music that I used to hear so far .
ceases not to listen ....
Since then he has started tracking all the albums in the past and of course the purchase of the future.
Now, after 25 years from the first listen one of his songs, I still consider it the best.
So consider this an album Lovesexy also great for the emotional connection I have with it. "

Miranda ..." the summer when I was still too young girl to return to Milan alone to see the Livesexy and had to stay at the beach with my ....
... the summer of Anna Stesia recited like a mantra, the words written on Smemoranda passed from hand to hand where everyone left the comment ... ...
the summer when my friends gave me the book with all the lyrics to Prince and its translation in Italian, just to take off the slightest doubt that when singing Darling Nikki When 2 R in Love or not I was just reciting the poetry of Christmas ("but then says so right '... and so' ...?" ... .. "yeah, so just say 'here ... ... ") ... ...
the summer of Alphabet Street turned up full blast to the Amusement Park (because the disco yet I could not go, except for hidden) ... ...
summer's box on my walkman Lovesexy cast that passed from hand in hand and head in the head, and when I come in "he" give me when I said "hmmm .... Then plays Prince? "... Eh eh ... I'm not piu’ la bambina di prima che si frantumava le orecchie con i Duran Duran!!

… ma Lovesexy è anche adesso, staccato da ogni ricordo, quando alla mattina lo sparo sull’autoradio a tutto volume mentre vado al lavoro, nel mio “quarto d’ora quotidiano di vacanza”, e canto come una pazza Eye No e Glam Slam….
Poi parcheggio, spengo l’autoradio ed entro in ufficio con un sorriso ebete, con le orecchie che mi fischiano ancora per un paio di minuti…"

Ringraziamenti: Ringrazio di cuore Fabmiky per l'aiuto e la pazienza nel leggere,correggere e migliorare il mio special. La frase dell'asterisco* (che reputo anche la più illuminata) è sua, tanto per citarne una.
Grazie Fabmiky.

Grazie anche a Pannasmontata per aver visionato lo special in anteprima e per il contributo nel migliorarlo.
Grazie di tutto.

In fine ringrazio tutti i ragazzi e le ragazze del forum Purple Italy che con il loro commento hanno reso molto più vivo il significato di Lovesexy.
Grazie di cuore per aver condiviso le vostre emozioni.


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