Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Nami Heintail One Piece

La festa del papà e il tricolore. Come fare la coccardina.

Fra qualche giorno è la festa del papà, che è anche l'onomastico della mia mamma e il compleanno del mio fidanzato.
Col regalo al fidanzato sono a posto... un po' per ridere e un po' perchè servono, gli ho comprato le ciabatte e le ho confezionate con l'arbre magique infilato dentro (lo so, sono stronzissima!!!), poi la crema al muschio bianco dell'erbolario che gli piace moltissimo ed infine la piantana da mettere dietro al divano che abbiamo visto tempo fa (è molto carina perchè ha un piatto che diffonde la luce in alto e un braccetto da lettura).
Con mia mamma che è l'onomastico risolvo rapidamente: un paio di chili di biscottini semplici all'anice che adora e siamo in place.
But the problem is still the daddy!
My dad is not content with ease! I've seen only really happy when I got a mouse for the PC in the form of 500.
This time I know what he wants. And 'the anniversary of the Unification of Italy and asked my mom to buy him a coccardina flag. Did I
And so I packed.
very few things are needed:

50 cm of emerald green satin ribbon from 50 cm to 3 cm
white satin ribbon 50 cm by 2 cm
of red satin ribbon
60 cm by 1 cm of cotton thread a nice robust red button

a needle pin
a safety pin
scissors and hot glue

Il procedimento è rapido. Basterà unire i tre nastri con degli spilli, avendo cura di ripiegare gli estremi su loro stessi.

Fatto questo con il filo e l'ago si fanno delle impunture di 1 cm di larghezza per tutta la lunghezza del nastro.

Ora basta prendere i due capi del filo di cotone e tirare tirare tirare. La coccardina si comporrà da sola!
Io ho aggiunto un bottone davanti e la spilla da balia nel retro.

Infine ho fatto una scatolina di carta e questa è la confezione.

Vi auguro una buona festa del papà, auguri a tutti i Giuseppe, Josephine, Peppe etc etc etc ...
E Greetings to Italy. Who needs it.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Acrostic On Aphrodite

Un pensiero

the earthquake.
killing waves.
cars that seem to toy cars.
The Japanese who show concern organized.
The comparison with what happened in Abruzzo.
The people who watch rivers of memories that fade. We
we see rivers of "things".
distant images of nuclear plants.
The concern of people for a new Chernobyl. The assurances are not reassuring
And meanwhile the world keeps turning and we are all lost in our lives, as normal che sia.
Ciò nonostante, il mio pensiero non si perde, il mio pensiero è per il Giappone.


Saturday, March 12, 2011

Does Ovulation Last For A Week

W2A - Nuove Date

Sono state aggiunte delle nuove date al tour Welcome 2 America.
Questa volta Prince e la band suoneranno nella Carolina del Nord e del Sud.

Queste le date previste ad oggi:

21 March, 2011: Columbia, SC - Colonial Life Arena
23 March, 2011: Raleigh, NC - RBC Center
24 March, 2011: Charlotte, NC - Time Warner Cable Arena
26 March, 2011: Greensboro, NC - Greensboro Coliseum
28 March, 2011: Greenville, SC - Bi-Lo Center
March 30, 2011: North Charleston, SC - North Charleston Coliseum

Do you have a couple of bucks you advance to take as hand luggage?

source: Prince.org , purple kiss 2.0.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Manipulating Data To Aid Interpretation

"From St. Peter's 'to Montes' in Caserta Vecchia, on the other side of Tifatini between Limavady and Dugenta"

St. Peter 'to Montes' ", seen from above, from the street above

From St. Peter 'to Montes' ", seen from above, in Caserta Vecchia, Vesuvius in the distance
Tifatini of the plateau towards Caserta Vecchia

Past the Tifatini after Limavady towards Dugenta

How Old Do You Have To Be To Work In A Autoshop

Festa della donna... protesto anche io... la storia delle donne guerriere

After reading this post , I also decided to protest to the International Women's Day.
For every thought, every woman, every time you smile because it's convenient we accept that.

Husband and wife are watching TV when she says "I'm tired, it's late, I think I'll go to bed"
goes into the kitchen to prepare sandwiches for the next day. Arrange for breakfast cup, pull the meat from the freezer for supper the next day, check out the cereal box, filled the sugar bowl, put spoons and saucers on the table for the morning later. Then put the wet clothes in a tumble, the clothes in the washing machine, ironing a shirt and a button system, make any games left on the table, put in charge the phone, puts the phone book and water to plants.
yawns, stretches, and as it goes toward the bedroom, he stops at his desk for a note to the teacher, counts the money for the trip, he pulls out a book from under his chair and adds three things to the list of urgent things to do . Signing a birthday card for a friend, writes the address and writes a note for the grocery store and puts everything close to your stuff. Goes to the bathroom, washes his face, teeth, puts the anti-wrinkle cream, wash your hands, check out the nails and put in place the towel.

"I thought I was going to bed'"... says her husband!

"I'm going," she says.

puts a bit 'of water in the bowl of dog puts out the cat, he locks the doors and turn the light off. Da 'look at the kids, collect a jersey, throw the socks in the hamper and talk to one of them is still doing his homework. Finally in his room. Bring out the clothes and shoes for the next day, put the robe, the program is finally awake and sitting on the bed.

At that time, the husband turns off the TV and announced: "I'm going to bed." Go to the bathroom, peeing, scratching his butt while a look in the mirror and thinks: "What a bore I have to shave tomorrow ".... and no other thoughts go to sleep.

Nothing strange is not it?? Now ask yourself why women live longer! Because they are made for long distances (and can not die because they have many things to do first).

dedicates this link to the phenomenal women you know and maybe even some men that never hurts.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Ap Bio Cellular Respiration Essay Answers

E' morto il fratellastro di Prince.

Duane Nelson, 52 years, died today.
To reveal the tragic event was a relative of Prince.
Duane was found dead in his apartment.
remember that Duane has long been in close contact with Prince dealing with the security of the famous brother acquired many tour. The thought of
blog (and I imagine all the Italian fans) is for Duane, his family, the people who loved him and Prince.

"All Good Things They Say, never last ..."

UPDATE: The title of the post was correct, I misspelled his brother's death (which is not true) Prince. Duane was not true because his half-brother. Pardon

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Bicycle Birthday Cake Idea

Prince premia Halle

During the evening of 2011 NAACP Awards last night (the 42 th edition) Prince gave an award to Halle Berry . Here are some photos of our
sempreinforma Prince.

fonte: purple kiss 2.0

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Should I Take Time Off Work For A Chest Infection

Da oggi su Facebook

Da oggi il blog è linkato anche a Facebook.
Cercherò prossimamente di migliorare sempre di più la connessione con il social network, sono un pochino duro di testa e dovrete avere pazienza.
Il tasto "mi piace" è posizionato in basso a sinistra di questa pagina, sotto vi lascio il link diretto per la pagina facebook.
Per ora buona navigazione viola.

FACEBOOK:Prince Of Minneapolis

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Denise Milani Look A Likes

Un plotone di orecchini... il portaorecchini da specchio con le rose dipinte...

new economic idea and pretty.
I used two scrap the hobby of my brother, two strips of thin wood that type sheet of plywood that you cut with scissors.
I cleaned up the dust, I have drawn a circle with some tempering turchese mista a quella bianca, qualche fogliolina tra il verde chiaro e quello scuro ed infine ho scarabocchiato le rose con un pennarello nero.
Certo è rischioso decorare prima di fare i buchi, ma volevo vedere in anticipo l'effetto finale.

Ho fatto asciugare il tutto sul termosifone e quindi ho praticato dei fori con l'occhiellatrice. Due superiori per tenere ben saldo il portaorecchini e altri a zig zag sul bordo inferiore per appenderci gli orecchini.

Un pezzetto del mio adorato nastro di cotone e voilà.... il portaorecchini è fatto.

Sto pensando che anche lo sfondo bianco piuttosto che color legno può essere un'idea carina... e così potrei anche scegliere different colors for roses ....

yes yes yes the next experiment is planned!
I'd like to show you the color of my room .... but this time it lasted for days you just see a gray wall ... and not that wonderful apple green that I love!

Monday, February 28, 2011

What Should I Call My Perfume

Prince da Elton

Chi c'era al 19° "Annual Elton John AIDS Foundation Academy Awards Viewing Party"?
Beh, Prince course.
The interesting thing is that presented itself to accompany a Miss dancer.
Miss.Misty Copeland!
continue to collect evidence of burning. Bria And where was it?

Welcome to gossip more stringent News Prince of Minneapolis 3000.

source: prince.org , purple italy forum , WireImage.

What To Do If Swallow Scope

Ecco le foto!

I took a well deserved month off ... from the blog!
And only the blog because I'm working hard.
I also have several new features which I will tell you in a while '.
Unfortunately, I checked on my skin when you work alone or have available a room in which to act in a systematic way, or if you assemble at home should be at least have the cooperation of someone.
I say this because my party (which by the way it went really well!) Was organized at home with a parent who hates clutter and dirty and the kitchen with a parent who can not stand the smell of cooking .. ..
unfortunately so I could fix everything the way I wanted on time. Finally, the official photographer was brewing flu and forgot a lot of details ... Patience ...
But now I'll show you ....

cake strabuonissima (Modesto, obviously ...)

For further details I only half shots ..

.. the pelleted lovely tree and guestbook are appreciated but not photographed (but I say ..... argfljbjbsfubcglanjhgdj .... because if you do not have a brother photographer?? LOL)

and news?
Well there is not much to say and much to do ...
"because" of the graduation party I have received requests to set up a baptism and a wedding March 27 April 30.
but on this occasion I will certainly helpers .... Embee ... it takes!

Thanks for your support!
In the next post I will see how the construction of the baptism in yellow and green and cosa ho ideato ieri per tenere a bada i miei millemila orecchini!!!
Buona settimana!!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Where Can I Buy Stranne Lamp Light Bulbs

Per la serie "quando lo banneranno?"...

... here is the video of Yes! Yes! of a famous (for fans) unreleased song by Prince.

No comment.

Friday, February 25, 2011

St.dalfour Cream In Dubai

"The Oracle Arena" Oakland 23 e 24 Febbraio

Ecco la scaletta delle due serate restanti di Oakland.

23 Febbraio:

Let's Go Crazy
Delirious Let's Go Crazy (coda)
Little Red Corvette
The Glamorous Life incl. Soul Sacrifice coda
Somewhere Here On Earth
Love U, But Don’t Trust U Anymore
A Love Bizarre Play That Funky Music
Sexy Dancer / Le Freak incl. Love Rollercoaster & Housequake
Controversy (coda) Shelby J., Liv Warfield, Elisa Dease
If I Was Your Girlfriend
Purple Rain
Baby I'm A Star

Samples:When Doves Cry/Nasty Girl/Forever In My Life/Sign O' The Times/ Alphabet St./Darling Nikki/ PopLife/ Single Ladies(Put A Ring On It)/Darling Nikki/ Black Sweat

The Bird
Jungle Love

24 Febbraio:

Solo guitar
The Love We Make
Take Me With U
Anotherlover/Rock Lobster
Glamorous Life con Sheila E.
Controversy (incl. Housequake)con Sheila E.
A Love Bizarre
Nothing Compares 2 U
She's Always In My Hair
Welcome 2 America
Let's Go Crazy
Let's Go Crazy reprise
Little Red Corvette
with Larry Graham
Everyday People I Want To Take You Higher by Graham
Alphabet Street
Thank You (Falettinme Be Mice Elf Agin) by Larry and Sheila
Purple Rain Kiss

the Floor: Under The Cherry Moon / Do Me Baby / I Want to Be Your Lover /

Samples: When Doves Cry / Nasty Girl / I Would Die 4U / Darling Nikki / Pop Life / The Most Beautiful Girl

Raspberry Beret
Let's Work
U Got The Look

Some reflections it could do more on these dates in Oakland.
First of all, in my opinion (and not only - see Purple Italy), the lineup should be remodeled and updated. Some track 20Ten no eh? All were critically acclaimed performance Laydown ... Laydown it is gone.
Even the choice to get sound samples (pre-registered shares) of some songs did turn up their noses at many, including myself.
Here, Welcome 2 America has a new song at the moment and it's nice that someone has the preview (if it ever comes out ...).
For the rest, however, speaks of the same lineup of hits, basically the same show that is being carried out since 2003.
I will certainly say to me on these pages that do not put my signature NOW to have a concert in Milan with the same lineup, no, no.
But it would be really the case for review and entertainment lineup in my opinion.
I can not understand how a perfectionist and an artist so real and demanding problems did not do that again.
not even understand how an artist like Prince does not want to present his latest work live. I do not understand the motivations, but all I try to imagine that my brain gives birth motives are absurd.

Do not you think that Prince is not much to this behavior?


Pannasmontata thank the ladder

source: purple kiss 2.0, prince.org.