Sunday, September 26, 2010

If You Are Delayed For 6 Days Are You Pregnant?

Guardia Sanframondi agosto 2010 - 2”

Here are some other photos from the event last August at the Flying Guard Sanframondi (*)

  I nostri prodi e probi inviati, con sprezzo mirabil della lurida calura,
son colà in Vardia Sanfamondi
La processione dei Battenti sotto un sole battente

Festa, sacro ed effusione di sangue: un rapporto molto,
but very old ...

The Procession of the Flying

Procession set, 1

procession set out, 2
(PS In the first we see a reporter who took another left
while the company works hard to photograph ...
Ah, those sent !)

Jesus in the modern world, a complete stranger ...
I think this photo speaks volumes
the question ...

a flying alone, hooded, barefoot,
walking along a wall cracked ...
In my opinion, this picture makes the event seven
a thousand words ...

(*) I call also Vardy San-Fra-I-Worlds.
Which reminds me of the saying of Don Juan Carlos Castaneda: "The twilight, the gap between the worlds" - and, indeed, the purpose the "feast" is to inaugurate a " break" between the world of everyday events and the "legendary", the "mythical" understood the broad sense, the world 's " illo tempore" , quando'l tempore no fue ...

(**) My compliments to the "our correspondent" that the photo was taken ...

The initial part of the Feast of the Flying trva is, in this very blog, this link:


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